Introduction to Digital voltmeter

Digital voltmeter


At present, We known that in technology and science a new innovation  digital signal conversion technique come in place of use of analog signal, so we achieved the fast data transmission , noise less communication between two long distance places, fast speed of
 data measurement, high accuracy and precision in field of measurement instruments medical science, internet etc.  in over world.

If we taught about voltmeter for measurement of voltage, the digital voltmeter is better in place of analog type voltmeter.

This type of voltmeter is converting the analog into digital signal.
It is display the voltage as discrete numerical instead of pointer deflection on Screen of digital display.

This is also referred as DVM. (Digital voltmeter)
It is use to measure ac and dc voltage and also to measure the resistance etc.

In this, reduces the human error reading as misreading of scale, parallax errors.

It can made with the help of analog to digital converter, signal processing elements,
Data transmission elements  and  digital display elements

Convert analog input to digital through Analog to digital converter.

Output of A/D converter is decoded using by signal processing element to drive the seven segment display.

And the data from decoder is transmitting to display through data transmission elements as counter, latch as per requirement.

The digital display element shows the result in digital form.


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