spiral type bourdon tube


                                   Bourdon tube    ( Spiral type) :

working principle of Spiral type bourdon tube:-
The working principle of spiral type bourdon tube is that the applied pressure
is converted into mechanical deflection or displacement. 

The generated displacement will give the value of applied pressure. The materials used in
the construction of bourdon tube are brass, steel and rubber.

Construction and working of Spiral type bourdon tube :

Spiral type bourdon tubes are constructed by winding the long tube into several turns in the
form spiral shape. 

One end of the bourdon tube is opened through which the pressure to be
measured is applied whereas another end is closed. 

The sealed end of the bourdon tube is mechanically connected to a pointer .

Whenever the fluid whose pressure is to be known is applied to the open end of the spiral
tube, it tends to uncoil. 
Due to this a long movement of the tip (end) takes place and this displacement is transmitted to pointer. 
Therefore the pointer moves on the calibrated scale, thereby indicating the applied pressure. When compared to C-type bourdon tube spiral type bourdon tube produces the results with very high accuracy.


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